September 5 this year will usher in the annual Nokia World Assembly. In the General Assembly this year, Nokia will uncover the veil of Windows Phone 8 phones.
It is exactly news that Nokia will launch three Windows Phone 8 devices in this session of the General Assembly, but which carriers Offer which a device is still unknown. As a former partner, the U.S. AT & T will offer a Windows Phone 8 flagship machine, while T-Mobile will be sold before Lumia 710 determine Windows Phone 8 sellers. In addition, Verizon has said, will Nokia to Offer Windows Phone 8 devices.
According to Bloomberg news has been confirmed the Verizon sales Nokia Windows Phone 8 devices later this year. And Verizon is likely to be for these devices support LTE network.
The WIndows Phone 8 is Microsoft's latest release on June 21, a mobile operating system, is the latest version of Windows Phone, Windows Phone is the third version. Windows Phone 8 using Windows 8 for mobile platforms to streamline optimization NT kernel and built-in Nokia Maps.
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